Columbia City High School offers an innovative learning program. While most others choose to offer a career-readiness academy, CCHS integrates the academies for every student. The high school is organized into small learning communities, collectively known as “The Academies of Columbia City.” The concept of Small Learning Communities (SLCs) is growing across the nation and a proven effective model to prepare students for careers and life.

For the 2024-2025 school year, Columbia City High School redirected students into three academies. The academies were created to ensure a welcoming, inclusive environment within the high school setting and to improve student success in post-secondary programs and careers. 

The three academies of CCHS are small learning communities of students and teachers who are organized around areas of interest. Students have the opportunity to connect with others who have similar aspirations and with teachers who can make meaningful connections to their plans for the future. The core classes and curriculum complement electives and other classes in these small learning communities. Students can take classes in various academies and are not bound to set a path, but rather can explore their strengths and talents.

Our academies will incorporate best practices, including shared academy planning time for teachers; workforce-aligned, intentionally integrated industry and post-secondary partnerships; dedicated Freshman Academies centered around college and career exploration; and globalized classes that remain available to students across all academies. High school students will continue to have access to career pathways that will afford them opportunities to participate in job shadows, intentional career-connected study trips, work-based learning internships, and capstone courses. Students will also continue to have opportunities to earn industry-recognized certifications and college dual credits in related coursework.

Career and Life Academies
A 4-year Opportunity to Prepare for the Future. Columbia City High School offers an innovative learning program. The high school is organized into small learning communities, collectively known as The Academies of Columbia City. The concept of Small Learning Communities (SLCs) is growing across the nation as an effective model to prepare all students for career AND life.

Core Curriculum for All
Each academy requires a Core Curriculum of English, Math, Science, and Social Studies taught by the academy teachers. Global courses and electives are available for all academies.

Personalized Learning for All
Students in grades 9-12 at Columbia City High School will experience a more personalized school day as they prepare for success in college and/or the workforce. The Academies of Columbia City High School personalizes learning for all students by:

  • Organizing teachers in a team structure to ensure student success and personal connections within a large high school.

  • Providing project-based, interdisciplinary learning that immerses students in an authentic 'real world' experience.

  • Engaging students by making classes relevant to personal interests and aspirations.

  • Providing connections with local businesses and professionals, linking schoolwork and the workplace.

Students have a unique opportunity to graduate with industry certifications that will serve them professionally after high school. They can pursue higher education or join a skilled workforce with certifications and knowledge to have them succeed.

Columbia City High School takes pride in knowing our certifications are taught by Career and Technical Education (CTE) professionals who are licensed teachers and many who started teaching after years of experience in their respective fields. Real-world education and application are inside the walls of Columbia City High School. Read more about the academies yourself and discover which pathway you will join.

The academy choices for Columbia City High School are Innovation Academy, Service Academy, and Eagle Tech Academy. Academies are chosen based on why students want to pursue their careers. The "why" behind their choice and their learning style will help make an appropriate academy choice.

Mr. Braden (Brady) Mullett, Columbia City High School Principal

Eagle Tech Academy

Eagle Tech Academy is a four-year academy that immerses students in a rigorous learning environment that will prepare students for any college or career path.

Mrs. Kelly Renier, Eagle Tech Director

Click to Access Eagle Tech Academy Page

Innovation Academy

The Innovation Academy is for students who like to build and create. They like to design or observe and learn through critical thinking and solving problems.

Mr. Brett Eberly, Innovation Academy Director

Service Academy

The Service Academy is for helpers, organizers, and thinkers. These students like to help and serve, assist, teach and instruct.

Mr. Robert (Rob) Bell, Service Academy Director

Eagle P.R.I.D.E. and Academy Sequence

Columbia City High School Career Focus Areas

CCHS used a committee of administrators and counselors to determine three career focus areas based on labor market research.

The group primarily used the Indiana Department of Workforce Development's "Hoosier Hot 50 Jobs" to determine the pathways. At Columbia City, those career focus areas are:

  • Business, Arts, and Communication

  • Health and Human Services

  • Manufacturing, Engineering, and Technology

Students will select a career focus after their mandatory Preparing for College and Careers Class during their Freshman (9th grade) year. All students must have a career focus. This focus can change at any time, but all students must have a career focus that helps to make their education more relevant.

CCHS Academy Structure and Pathway Connections