CCHS Eagle Tech Academy

In the fall of 2011, Eagle Tech Academy (ETA) opened its doors for the first time and welcomed 100 students to their new learning environment.  Wall-to-wall project-based learning, 21st century skill development, and a focus on a culture of trust, respect, and responsibility surrounded these pioneers. 

We became reflective practitioners of our craft.  Constantly analyzing and refining our school.  

Subsequent years brought full enrollment and new staff.  Eagle Tech Academy continues to prepare learners to be problem solvers and public speakers.  To work with others and hold others accountable has become the norm, not the exception.  Working with local businesses has created real-world applications and our learners are thriving.  Education looks different without our academy, and that makes us proud.

Education Through Action

Developing character through challenging educational experiences for lifelong success in the local and global community.

The Culture of ETA hinges upon the Core Values of Trust, Respect, and Responsibility.

In our classrooms, hallways, and collaborative spaces, we adhere to the same values and meet the same expectations that we place upon our learners.

Kelly Renier

CCHS Eagle Tech Academy Director

Tina Luckey

CCHS Eagle Tech Academy Coach


Anna Riggins

CCHS Eagle Tech Academy Counselor Grade 9

Renee Charles

CCHS Eagle Tech Academy Counselor Grades 10-12

ETA Unique in Practice

Eagle Tech Academy Team

Learner-Focused Teams