9/14/2022: WCCS is on a 2-hour delay due to fog.

Yesterday’s 8th grade social studies classes tried to see if they could survive as colonists in the New World. Could they obtain food, water, clothing, and shelter? Could they avoid the Royal Governor and Tax Collector?

For homecoming week, the 6th grade reading class has special guest readers. Thank you CCHS students Peyton Shearer, Katie Bolt, Ethan Sievers, and Nataley Bockelman as well as SRO Leatherman and firefighter Mike McGregor.

8th Grade: Mississinewa 1812 permission slips and money are due this Thursday, September 15. We need to pre-order tickets so we cannot accept them late. The cost is $10. #dontforget

As we end Homecoming week, here are a couple of the meals served to our students these past few days. Featured lunches pictured are from both Coesse and Mary Raber Schools, but these meals were enjoyed by students at all the elementary schools. ISMS and CCHS students also enjoyed a second entree along with a salad bar option. Everyone enjoy a great weekend, and- GO EAGLES!!!

The 6th grade teachers have done it again by shining bright to celebrate Neon Day. #homecomingweeking2022

MAROON OUT: Participating students should meet in the Carver Center after school. There will be activities until the game starts at 5 p.m. You MUST have parent/guardian permission to stay after school AND your parent/guardian must pick you up after the game. See dates above.

The 6th grade teachers are pleased to show their fits for "tack tourist" day. #homecomingweek2022

For the first time in 10 years of Survivor Day, Mr. Loeffler’s homeroom won the 8th grade tug of war tournament!

The lake is clam. The flags are unfurled. We are just awaiting the students so we can kick off the 10th eighth grade Survivor Day!

Eagles-in-Flight 5K: Checkpoint #2 is tomorrow. Last week we set a record for pledges received for the first turn in day.

ISMS 6th grade scientists were hard at work Tuesday on their first lab. Students asked questions, formed hypothesis, and collected data through an experiment. Today they will analyze their data, draw conclusions, and communicate what they learned with classmates.

We have had a great start to the school year! Pictured below is a lunch that was served today to our elementary students. Our Middle School and High School students enjoyed the same selections, along with additional choices and a full salad bar!
Everyone have a great weekend!

Check out the Technology Updates for the 22-23 School Year!

WCCS Online Registration is NOW OPEN!!

WCCS experiencing phone and internet outage.

Welcome to your new website for all things WCCS!