Kindergarten Round Up Information | Children five-years-old by August 1, 2025, are invited to attend Whitley County Consolidated Schools’ Kindergarten Round Up on March 27, 2025. After completing online enrollment, call your local elementary to schedule your Round Up time. This is an opportunity for families to tour the school, meet the principal, teachers and staff, receive important information, test kindergarten readiness and more! Remember, complete enrollment first.
2 days ago, WCCS
K Round Up 2025
On Saturday, Coesse's Rockin' Robos Robotics Team had a great end-of-the-season competition. All three teams did great and the green team made it to the finals! All of the students have shown a tremendous amount of innovation, dedication, and teamwork this season. Great work Rockin' Robos! #WCCSExperience #RoboticsTeams
3 days ago, WCCS
CES Robotics 2025
CES Robotics 2025
CES Robotics 2025
CES Robotics 2025
Fifth-grade students selected informational books about various animals to read to a 2nd-grade buddy. They practiced their fluency and worked through pronouncing scientific words to make sure they were ready to share the book. After reading to our buddies, each buddy shared with the large group the most fascinating fact they learned. It was a great time!
4 days ago, WCCS
CES buddy read
CES buddy read
CES buddy read
CES buddy read
CES buddy read
Today is National Maintenance Worker Appreciation Day! We're celebrating Chet Burch and Chad Ralston! They are the district maintenance technicians and help keep our buildings running day-to-day! “Chad and Chet are worth their weight in gold. They are given multiple projects, working together to create a beautiful space. One of the projects they have finished is the eSports room at ISMS. They both have their own sets of skills, and they learn from each other. These fellows have put their heart and soul into their work, which shows. As a corporation, we are very blessed to have these two guys on our team,” said Vicky Borders, WCCS Corporation Custodial Trainer. Read more about Chet and Chad and their work here: #EverydayEagles #WCCSRelationshipBuilders #WCCSExperience
7 days ago, WCCS
Chet (L) and Chad (R)
When Night to Shine was in Columbia City, our student ambassadors were able to donate $694 to the event! During the holiday months, the student ambassadors raised money by selling candy grams and pop-its! We are so proud of our student ambassadors and all of their hard work!
16 days ago, WCCS
Night to Shine Donation
Night to Shine Donation
Night to Shine Donation
Coesse’s fourth grade headed out to the Coesse woods on Monday to tap maple trees under the direction of Mr. Rose. The students were thrilled to see the sap start dripping immediately after putting in the taps! In class, students have been practicing measuring angles to get a good sap flow and circumference to estimate the age of the trees they tapped. Students have also been keeping an eye on the weather, waiting for the perfect high and low temperatures. Overall, the students are excited to learn about the entire process from tree to table and the history behind maple syrup! #ExperienceWCCS #WCCSRelationshipBuilders
17 days ago, WCCS
Maple Syrup
Maple Syrup
Maple Syrup
Maple Syrup
Maple Syrup
Mark your calendars! WCCS is hosting a Robotics Tournament on Saturday, March 8! Cheer on our Coesse, Little Turtle and Northern Heights teams! Concessions are available and the first match begins at 9:45 a.m. with the National Anthem and welcome at 9:10 a.m. Hope to see you there!
18 days ago, WCCS
Robotics at WCCS
Students made predictions about whether or not a candy heart would float in water and then got to make observations and record the results of how water, vinegar, and clear soda affected candy hearts!
24 days ago, WCCS
CES Predicitions
CES Predictions
CES Predictions
CES Predictions
As a reminder, there is no school on Friday, February 14 and on Monday, February 17. These are included as snow make-up days in our calendar. View our school calendar at There is a quick link at the top of the page. Enjoy your long weekend, eagles!
29 days ago, WCCS
School Closed February 14 and 17
The third graders have started an exciting new unit all about fossils and rocks! This week, they stepped into the world of paleontology and fossil hunting. The students dug for fossils, examined real specimens, and matched them with vocabulary terms. To top it off, they created their own "trace fossil" keychains to take home with them.
30 days ago, WCCS
CES Fossil
CES Fossil
CES Fossil
CES Fossil
CES Fossil
CES fossil
CES Fossil
CES fossil
Mrs. Windhorst's class has been working hard to learn about graphs. After spending a month collecting graphs and data during Number Corner, students were then able to practice collecting data with candy and making a pictograph and bar graph to show their results!
about 1 month ago, WCCS
CES Math
CES Math
CES Math
CES Math
CES Math
CES Math
CES Math
Mrs. Nanney's class geared up for this weekend with The Math Bowl. Practicing multi-digit multiplication fluency can be fun!
about 1 month ago, WCCS
CES Math
CES Math
CES Math
CES Math
CES Math
Happy National School Counseling Week! Our buildings have been celebrating this week to bring attention to the unique contribution of school counselors. Presented by the American School Counselor Association, National School Counseling Week is celebrated the first full week in February. WCCS extends appreciation to our school counselors and student support staff who help our students thrive in a variety of different ways. Consider how you can show appreciation for your school counselor this week. Maybe it's a quick note or a simple high-five, anything to let them know they're valued. #WCCSExperience #WCCSRelationshipBuilders #SchoolCounselingWeek
about 1 month ago, WCCS
National School Counseling Week
Remember, there is no school on Tuesday, February 4, 2025. Feb. 4 is a Professional Development Day for our staff. View our school year calendar at
about 1 month ago, WCCS
No School Reminder
Our third grade has been loving their swim classes at the YMCA! So far, they have learned about water safety, drowning prevention, and the importance of life jackets. Each week, they continue to practice their swimming skills and learn new water safety rules.
about 1 month ago, WCCS
CES Swim
CES Swim
CES Swim
CES Swim
CES Swim
CES Swim
CES Swim
Assistant Superintendent Mr. Slater visited Ms. Riecke’s class to read "The Right Word.." Through this read-aloud, students gained a deeper understanding of biographies and the thesaurus. They truly enjoyed having him in the classroom and appreciated the time he spent with them.
about 1 month ago, WCCS
Seth Reading
Seth reading
Last Friday, Whitley County Consolidated Schools' entire third-grade class experienced the excitement and wonder of the Shrine Circus in Fort Wayne—a cherished community tradition that has delighted local students for more than half a century. Thanks to the generous Shriners and Whitley County Shrine Club, every third-grade student received a free tickets to the spectacular event. This long-standing tradition allows children to enjoy a memorable day of entertainment at no cost to their families. "The Shriners are all about kids. We have hospitals for children but we care about all kids. We're grateful to be able to do it,” said Joe Simon, the Shrine Circus coordinator for Whitley County. Third-grade students are even escorted by police to the Fort Wayne Coliseum for the event. “This is so fun for our students. They love when the Shriners ride our bus over and spend the day with us. It’s great to get our students into the community too. Often students want their parents to go to another performance. It’s a trip they talk about for years; we still hear from former students about how fun the circus is,” said Jacqueline Snoddy, Coesse Third Grade Teacher. The circus outing provides more than just entertainment. It offers students a unique educational experience outside the classroom, exposing them to performances and exciting acts that spark imagination and create lasting memories. This incredible gesture by the local Shrine Club demonstrates their commitment to the community and children's experiences. For 72 years, they have been bringing joy to students throughout the region with circus tickets, embodying the organization's mission of supporting youth. The smiles, laughter, and wide-eyed wonder of our third graders serve as a testament to the Shriners' ongoing dedication to making childhood special. #ExperienceWCCS #ShrineCircus Thank you, WCCS Transportation for the photos!
about 2 months ago, WCCS
WCCS Circus
Circus Fun
Coesse hosted our annual spelling bee contest today! Third, fourth and fifth graders competed in the annnual event! Third-grader, Benjamin, won the third and fourth grader contest with the word childhood. “It’s not something I get elected to do but I chose to do the spelling bee! I like feeling the pride of winning and I like to spell,” Ben said. The fifth-grade winner was Winnie. She has won the past three years and will represent Coesse at the WCCS District Spelling Bee next week at Indian Springs Middle School. “I like to do the spelling bee and see my hard work pay off. I am nervous about the difference to compete at the middle school,” Winnie said. Winnie practices outside of school hours and thanked mom and dad for their help to prepare. The fifth grade spelling bee was won with the word council. Congratulations to all competitors! #ExperienceWCCS #WCCSRelationshipBuilders
about 2 months ago, WCCS
Coesse 2025 Spelling Bee Competitors
Mrs. Hoag and Winnie an Ben!
WCCS Families, With winter break here, I want to remind you that the safety and well-being of our school community continue to be a top priority. The holidays are a time when some students may need additional support. During the break, the reporting feature for STOPit, our anonymous reporting system will be shut off. Students will continue to have access to the app for local resources and the Crisis Text Line services during the break. The reporting feature will come back into service on January 5. -Lyle Kuhmichel Director of District Safety and Student Services
3 months ago, WCCS
STOPit Notifications Off
Our third grade had an awesome time on their field trip to see The Nutcracker. Students enjoyed the second half of the Nutcracker Ballet and then visited Granite City for lunch. They did an amazing job at both events and had a wonderful time. Students will perform their version of The Nutcracker for their winter program on Thursday.
3 months ago, WCCS