Columbia City High School students from Eagle Tech Academy invite all WCCS elementary families to join them for a FREE Book Fair with Princess Belle and Santa! Hosted on Dec. 12 from 5 to 7 p.m., at the Peabody Public Library elementary students and their families are invited to meet Belle, take photos with Santa, and refresh their home libraries with community -donated books. *Flyer created by students* #ExperienceWCCS
3 months ago, WCCS
Student Flyer
Welcome back, Eagles! As a reminder, there are no students tomorrow, December 3. This is a scheduled professional development day for all of our staff.
3 months ago, WCCS
No School Reminder
Fourth grade has been diving into atoms and electricity during science. The students first had to learn the components of an electrical circuit, how to safely use materials, and what good conductors and insulators are. They then were able to do a hands -on lab to make their own circuit. While it took quite a bit of problem solving, each group was successful and able to see their light bulb shine!
4 months ago, WCCS
Ms. Riecke's third-grade class wrapped up their biome and animal unit with a hands-on Vet Clinic activity last week. Students applied their knowledge of animals and habitats to help diagnose and treat an animal with an unknown allergy. Using their patient's "case file," they analyzed text and text features to solve the medical mystery, integrating their reading skills. Additionally, they incorporated math to create a customized diet and medical plan for their patient. This activity brought science, reading, and math together in a meaningful and interactive way.
4 months ago, WCCS
Happy Veterans Day! Friday, Nov. 8, Coesse hosted our annual Veterans Day program to honor our veterans. The fourth and fifth-grade class hosted a musical program with hundreds of community members and parents present. More than 45 veterans were introduced and honored during the program. The veterans were invited by students and staff of Coesse. THANK YOU!
4 months ago, WCCS
CES Veterans Day
CES Veterans Day
Artwork at CES
2024 Veterans
Fourth and fifth-grade students participated in a "Book Tasting" during library today. Students were able to take a quick "taste" of each of this year's Young Hoosier books.
4 months ago, WCCS
CES Book Tasting
CES Book Tasting
In third grade, students are integrating reading, writing, math, and science by exploring animals and their biomes, along with human impacts on both. Ms. Riecke's class is working on their second narrative writing about Sumatran Rhinos and solving math story problems related to their studies. Meanwhile, Mrs. Snoddy’s class is learning to summarize the nonfiction articles we have been reading. The Fort Wayne Zoo program has been visiting Coeese and offering hands-on learning experiences that enrich students' understanding and excitement for these subjects.
4 months ago, WCCS
Coesse's 4th grade had a great time at Pioneer Day at the Whitley County 4H Ag Museum. They learned about making maple syrup, the one-room schoolhouse, the pioneer kitchen, woodworking, arrowheads, harvesting wheat, and countless other things! The students loved learning from all of the community volunteers and were eager to share what they learned.
5 months ago, WCCS
Second grade students had the opportunity to visit Kuehnert Dairy Farm. They were able to take a tour of the facilities, see the robotic milking machine, try some flavored milk made in house, experience the fall festival set-up, and even pet some baby calves! They learned a lot about the farm and cows in general (they have more than 700 cows, cows have four compartments in their stomach, they chew their own cud, and they like to listen to music, to name just a few)! This experience tied in well with our community helpers lesson in social studies (talking about localized farmers/products) as well as with some of our science lessons this year in regards to animals and life cycles.
5 months ago, WCCS
Petting calves
Milk Tasting
Tasting Milk
CES Group
Coesse fifth graders are learning about the concept of value in art. They are mapping out disco balls and will color them using value to make them look 3D. The disco ball scales are looking great!
5 months ago, WCCS
CES Scales
All WCCS Skyward SMS 2.0 systems will be down beginning Friday, October 11th at 6:00 p.m. and continuing until 7:00 p.m. Saturday, October 12th, while our host is installing the latest updates. Please refrain from making eFunds payments during this time, as well, because they may not be properly recorded.
5 months ago, WCCS
Coesse third graders enjoy playing Spin and Write to practice their phonics skills. #ExperienceWCCS #WCCSRealtionshipBuilders
5 months ago, WCCS
After reading The Wild Robot in class, Coesse 5th graders headed to Bones Theatre to enjoy the new movie based on the book! Both the book and the movie had such great messages that we have been having some great discussions comparing the two. While both were great, the book is still overwhelmingly the best in our eyes!
5 months ago, WCCS
Wild Robot
Wild Robot
Wild Robot
Wild Robot
Wild Robot
Wild Robot
The Coesse fourth and fifth graders will hold their annual Veterans Day program to honor veterans and active members of our Armed Forces on November 8th. We hope to honor many of our community’s brave servicemen and women. If you know a veteran that you would like to honor or invite to this year's Coesse Veterans Day Program please help us by completing the form. Thank you!
5 months ago, WCCS
American Flag
This past week was Apple Week for First Grade. We had an apple tasting then made applesauce and apple butter. Some of our curriculum based activities - Wrote applesauce recipe books - Sequenced the steps to make apple sauce - Measured ingredients for apple butter - Predicted which apples we would like best - Graphed (picture graph, bar graph, and tally graph) our classroom tasting results - Read and learned about Johnny Appleseed and wrote “I can make the Earth better by_________” #ExperienceWCCS #WCCSRelationshipBuilders
5 months ago, WCCS
CES apples
CES apples
CES apples
CES apples
Thank you to Coach Daniels and the CCHS volleyball team for hosting the Coesse Volleyball Club at last night's game. Our Coesse students loved watching the game and meeting the high school players!
5 months ago, WCCS
CES Volleyball
Thank you to Pack 3088 for helping to mulch our Outdoor Classroom! Well done! #WCCSRelationshipBuilders #ExperienceWCCS
6 months ago, WCCS
New Mulch
New Mulch
Last week, third grade had a fantastic time on their first field trip to the Fort Wayne Embassy for the World in Motion show with science guru Mr. C! The kids were thrilled that Mr. C took a moment to talk to them before the performance. During the show, they were engaged as they learned about the three laws of motion. A highlight of the day was when Ms. Riecke was called up on stage to perform the first magic act demonstrating inertia. #ExperienceWCCS #WCCSRealtionshipBuilders
6 months ago, WCCS
Columbia City High School Fine Arts presents Beauty and the Beast! Tickets are on sale now. Friday, November 8, at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, November 9 at 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Purchase Tickets here: Tickets are $10 each and a show you won't want to miss. Bring your princess and beasts to a Tea Party with Mrs. Potts following the 2 p.m. show on Saturday! #ExperienceWCCS #BeautyandtheBeast
6 months ago, WCCS
Beauty and the Beast
Casting well under way
In Ms. Riecke's third-grade class, students have started their first multi-paragraph narrative essay focusing on manatees. They started by reading a Scholastic magazine article to collect facts, followed by brainstorming their narratives using a film sequence and a "plot mountain" planning page. This week, they began typing their manatee stories, while incorporating facts from the article. In the upcoming weeks, they will enhance their writing with adjectives, details, and clear dialogue. The students are excited about this writing activity and frequently ask when they can continue their work throughout the school day. #ExperienceWCCS #WCCSRelationshipBuilders
6 months ago, WCCS
Student writes
Student writes about mantatees
students work
Writing, CES 2
writing, CES