The community supported our Homecoming Parade this afternoon! #GoEagles
The Homecoming 2023 Game kicks off at 7 p.m. vs Dekalb.

The community supported our Homecoming Parade this afternoon! #GoEagles
The Homecoming 2023 Game kicks off at 7 p.m. vs Dekalb.

The community supported our Homecoming Parade this afternoon! #GoEagles
The Homecoming 2023 Game kicks off at 7 p.m. vs Dekalb.

WCCS welcomes Taylor Ford as a music and media teacher at Coesse Elementary! Welcome, Mrs. Ford!

Last week, our students visited Fifth Grade Ag Days hosted by the Whitley County Soil and Water Conservation Group to learn about our natural resources, water and soil.
The Columbia City FFA led student groups from experience to experience.

WCCS extends appreciation to our substitute teachers in all of our buildings. This week is National Substitute Appreciation Week.
Share your favorite substitute, current and past, in the comments. We know they do so much for our students and school community!

Welcome, Mrs. Smith, to the Kindergarten team at Coesse! Welcome to the team, Katie!

Mrs. Stephanie Baucher transferred as a STEM Teacher at Coesse! We're glad you're here!

Welcome, Mrs. Windhorst! She is joining WCCS as a second-grade teacher at Coesse. Welcome to the team.

Thank you to Mr. Matt Espich for providing seating for our outdoor classroom!
The outdoor classroom was designed and created by students for students. The whole story can be found in the WCCS Connection Magazine from Spring 2023.

Welcome, Ms. Evans! Ms. Evans is the new art teacher for Coesse and Mary Raber Elementary!
Welcome to the team!

The WCCS Lunch Staff is ready to welcome students back for the 23-24 school year! On the lunch menu for the first day is a breaded chicken patty sandwich (spicy chicken sandwich for the middle school and high school), french fries, broccoli florets, fruit, and ICE CREAM! Parents and students can find the on-line menus at the WCCS website under the dining option. Welcome back!!!

Say “hello” to two-way messaging and classroom announcements in the WCCS app!
With the addition of Rooms, our district app keeps getting better.
Parents/guardians check your email with instructions to sign up and access new features.

Coesse staff members are busy getting ready to welcome students back to school. We can’t wait to see you!

Reminder | Please remember to register your child for the 2023-2024 school year.
Registration must be submitted before August 7 to guarantee bus transportation this coming year.
Find a helpful guide at wccsonline.com/page/registration.

The 2023-2024 School Supply Lists are now easier to find.
Visit wccsonline.com, select your school, locate the link in the menu, or use the WCCS app!
The WCCS app. makes locating documents for the District and individual schools easier than ever. Download where you get your apps!

Congratulations to all of our students who participate in the Whitley County 4-H Fair. From projects on the hill, livestock projects, countless volunteer hours, and memories, we hope it's been a Fair to remember.
The Whitley County 4-H Fair can still be enjoyed today, and the livestock auction is tomorrow. Swing by the WCCS booth in the Commercial Building to finish your registration or to say, "Hello!"
Thank you, WCCS staff, who also volunteer so much of their time for the community event!

Registration Open | All WCCS families, please remember to register your child for the 2023-2024 school year.
Get started by visiting wccsonline.com/page/registration.

Say “hello” to two-way messaging and classroom
announcements in the WCCS app! With the addition of
Rooms, our district app keeps getting better. Parents/
guardians check your email with instructions to sign up and
access new features.

The Whitley County Health Department is available for your students to get their immunization updated for the 23-24 school year.
WCHD takes all insurance and Medicaid. No insurance? They can still help you out.
5th graders & 12th graders have required shots to get before school starts.
Call 260-244-2310 today for an appointment.