Logan Good
2023 Welding II Students Pass
Students Paint Spheres
The Columbia City High School Spell Bowl team finished in first place at the Northeast 8 Conference meet held at DeKalb High School.  Pictured are from left to right: (row 1) Brie Montel, Annalise Swonger, Holden Hamilton, and Ava Rowe; (row 2) Dorian Anderson, Ava Harrison, Jayden Jones, Elaina Leach, and Clare Williford; (row 3) Coach Dennis Beckner, Aiden Grimble, Maxwell McKinney, Jordan Potter, Bricyn Tincher, and Joel Yager.  Not pictured: Lucy LaRue. (photo by Carol Wyatt)
CCHS Fire Buys Columbia Township Fire Truck
Lady Eagle Basketball Tournament Schedule
Food Service Assistants Needed!
Certificate of SODA Chapter
High School students read book and practice ASL to  students at Little Turtle Elementary
Youth Lady Eagles Basketball League 2023 Registration Form
Rooms Image
Students Dom and Sam sign to the Steamfitters Union Local 166 with two business reps sitting and their welding instructor standing behind.
Mason and Landin
Message from Chancellor_Ivy Tech
Dawn by Alina Houser
Food Service Assistants Needed!
School bus with image of text that reads "Don't Miss the Bus."
We're Hiring
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